chad charles

agent de voyage intérieur
breath business

breath business

There is a part of me that cringes at mixing business and medicine together. There is a part of me that is happy and excited to be able to share with you what I have learned and have come to embody.
Ultimately, all parts of me are awash in gratitude for having anything to share with you at all—and the means with which to share it. I can only share the Breath in this way because you meet me.

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objectif : lâcher-prise

objectif : lâcher-prise

"Le vrai lâcher-prise ne se force pas. Il n’est pas non plus une chose à laquelle on se soumet. Il s’agit plutôt d’un pas que l’on fait vers la découverte du vrai pouvoir. C’est accepter de céder, de se jeter volontairement dans les bras d’une intelligence plus vaste,...

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