Mentorship and Peership

~ one-on-one counsel, consultation, mentorship, coaching ~

~ group learning opportunities with a global collective ~

~ shadowing & supervision ~

Two Options:

option 1 | If we have not yet worked together, let’s have an initial call

In this call we will establish how we can move forward working together

based on your learning style, experience level, budget, and timeline

option 2 | If we have already worked together, schedule more one-on-one mentorship calls

Let’s continue where we’ve left off.

who is practitioner/facilitator mentorship for?

New or aspiring practitioners who:

  • want to learn from an experienced practitioner as well as others
  • may be entering clinical research projects and need some ‘know how’
  • value learning from others instead of needing to ‘reinvent the wheel’
  • see Best Practices and Ethical Commitments as guiding lights to inform their offering
  • recognise that competency is an integral part of being ‘ready’

Established practitioners who:

  • value cohort networks and ongoing reflection from a peer
  • see Best Practices and Ethical Commitments as guiding lights to inform their offering
  • want to learn more and continually evolve
  • continue to allow themselves to be impacted
  • wish to align/transfer their skillsets from other honed offerings (ie, other substances) with the uniqueness of this experience

“We recognize that as a community we grow and inspire each other to live up to our highest potential. We collaborate […] with our feet firmly grounded upon the Earth, our hearts open to all, our minds in sound judgment and with forethought and discernment, and our crowns open to the Infinite.”

~ the Conclave

why mentorship ?

  • because the lone wolf paradigm is not reflective of the unitive state
  • because you want to elevate your offering with expanded know-how
  • because even if we’re well-established in our offering, an eye on our craft is always beneficial
  • because you want this experience to be offered with excellence
  • because even though there are many trainings with other modalities and substances, this experience is unique and deserves a specified understanding and approach

what can I expect ?

  • CUSTOMISATION: one-on-one video calls with chad
  • INTROSPECTION and REFINEMENT: consultation on core elements as well as nuances of your offering
  • CONNECTION: access to a global collective with practitioner-lead monthly group calls
  • ABSORPTION: shadow chad’s offering in your area
  • ON-SITE SUPERVISION: have chad supervise your offering

the guide

In mentorship or peership with you as a new-ish or established practitioner, I share and convey my knowledge and experience, provide direction, problem solve, and facilitate enriching dialogue. Each relationship itself is established with the help of  the Conclave’s document Considerations for Practitioner Guidance Relationships. Within this document, the guidance relationship I offer is mentorship.

Guidance in the form of mentorship can only partially be offered online, IMO. I offer in-person, custom-designed Shadowing and Supervision projects.

Structured and committed mentorship is what I wished for when I began this work as a practitioner. It remains my wish today and I continue to be in peership within the community of practice. I don’t have all the answers, but I believe that together we can guide our entire field towards excellence. It starts with us: committing to find excellence in our own offering. No matter where in your timeline as a practitioner you are, I offer a reflective set of eyes on to you and your work.

Two options:

1 | If we have not yet worked together, let’s have an initial call

In this call we will establish how we can move forward working together based on your learning style, experience level, budget, and timeline


2 | If we have already worked together, schedule more one-on-one mentorship calls

Let’s continue where we’ve left off.

what people say

Having Chad as a teacher and mirror has been one of the biggest pillars in my journey getting to know myself as a facilitator. His grounding spirit and presence has held me during many transformations. His knowledge of the molecule and the way he communicates is absolutely beautiful and one of deep reverence. His unique style and understanding of the fine connections between power and vulnerability still ripples deeply. Chad brings so much care and clarity to every space he enters. His work is so important for our community and I am forever grateful for our connection.

I had the joy to be able to shadow Chad. He came to my city and I got to see how he worked with clients — and WOW! I had sat with several other guides at this point, and I loved the way Chad approached medicine. He had a gentle manner, but a way of connecting with clients. He used his own skill set — talking and breathwork — to set clients at ease. He was very gradual with medicine, and as I got to witness client after client, I got more of a sense of why this was the case. The importance of meeting people where they were at, of this medicine being used for opening and healing and not re-traumatizing — it was especially elucidating when he would choose to stop. He also was just a delight to host, it was enjoyable to get to go on walks and spend time with him and get to know him a bit outside of the skill of watching him work. All in all I witnessed ten different clients, ten different presentations, over the course of a very full, very rich weekend. To me it felt like after the shadowing, I could launch myself, the witnessing really helped me hone my own offering.

I can feel the love and dedication you bring to this work as a practitioner and a mentor. I admire the clarity in your voice and thought, and the integrity with which you carry yourself. Deep bow – RM | USA

I am extremely grateful to Chad — without his guidance, I would not be where I am today. I first met him four years ago at a weekend-long Breathwork workshop he ran. The workshop was run with skill and grace, there were people both that were completely new and that had some experience, and he navigated the questions and differing experiences very well. I later started a medicine guidance practice with him, conducted over Zoom. He had a set of material to impart around preparation, ceremony, and integration — enough that it could be a formal class. However, I loved that the format of our lessons could be somewhat free-wheeling — I knew that if I wanted to dig in on a particular topic, he would be able to use his many years of knowledge to answer questions around it. Sometimes I asked for our sessions to be more ‘case studies’ as I was starting out and wanted help analyzing what had happened and what had gone well or could be iterated on. He helped me design my ceremony and improve on it. He was not at all formulaic and stressed about the importance of things coming from within. His method of inquiry was always gentle, but also precise and carefully considered. I felt very held when I came to him with questions or problems,

I absolutely recommend working with Chad — you will be learning from one of the true pillars of the community, in terms of ethics,  knowledge, and community building. So so grateful to have had the experiences I did and to know him.

“I DEFINITELY recommend doing this with Chad if you can. We shared an amazing weekend together, and learned SO much. Chad has a very pragmatic and gentle practice, and the opportunity to shadow him with several clients, from preparation through integration, and observe the pure presence that he brings to his container was simply invaluable. Obviously, not everything about this work can be taught, but much more can be conveyed in person than through Zoom and the online modules.”

– J | USA | Shadowing

[Meeting other practitioners] has been the best part of all of this. Because we are all connecting through your trusted presence, there seems to be an immediate trust and openness among us which is meaningful and valuable. – M | USA

The thing I really loved about this [gathering] was the level of practitioner that was really being called forth. It really was about doing our best being our best being our best self.” – C | Gathering of (5) Guides

You are someone who inspires me to be my best. You are so thoughtful and caring and really cover all the bases. – M | Mexico

I’m impressed and inspired by Chad’s vulnerability in sharing these cases and his willingness to humbly receive criticism for the sake of others learning benefit (and his). Thank you! I love you! – B | Canada | Case Studies

I am looking forward to growing and learning with you and under your expert guidance. You are such an aware, kind and generous teacher and a guide – M | Hawaii

I am so grateful for your knowledge, wisdom and experiences that you bring to the table. You’ve brought so much value into my life and this work – L | USA

I loved it! Although I am not as experienced as some others in serving, this medicine works so differently depending on person that there is always something to gain by connecting with other practitioners. We learn in serving and from each other… Meeting in triads was great and I liked that you put us in gender mixed groups. The large group meeting was wonderful, providing insights, laughs, and cringes. We all truly admire your ability to expose yourself, and of course owe [the cases] a great deal of gratitude – D | USA | Case Studies

The content was wonderful–diverse, thought-provoking and relevant – C | USA | Case Studies

Frequently asked questions

Is this a training? Will I get a certificate?

No. In the words of one mentee: I am teaching, counselling, sharing, conveying my knowledge and experience, providing direction, answering questions, and facilitating conversation. I’m not “training” practitioners to operate in any specific way. Mentorship is an excellent additon to any training you may find yourself in. This is a training program I am associated with:

I’ve been a part of a programme or an event before with you. Do I have to apply again?

If it has been a while since we’ve worked together or if your offering/private practice has evolved a lot, it’s best that you apply again.

I’ve had one experience and now I want to share this with the world. Am I eligible?

Probably not. And, you are welcome to apply. While it is a noble intention to want to jump into service, best practices are first premised on extensive experiential work.

I consider myself an established practitioner, I have a mentor/master-practitioner/teacher, and I just want to be a part of the club. I don't think I need guidance. What can I do?

Guidance is for any and all practitioners, no matter your orientation, background, or experience level. The collective events and experiences are designed to be attended by people I have worked with to some extent. Entry into the collectives requires a minimum of calls with me.

Are payment plans available?

Yes. For the package of 10 calls, we can arrange payment plans after an initial deposit.

What are the cancellation policies?

If you have committed to a package of calls and decide later that you don’t wish to continue working, I will reimburse you minus the amount of calls we have had (each call based on a single call).

I’m a member of the Conclave. Does this make a difference as to how to apply?

No. Filling out the application form is a way for me to get a picture of where your offering is at and how I can best support you, no matter your level of experience. Any and all practitioners can fill out the form. It’s for both of us!

Do you provide medicine?


Are there opportunities to learn from you in person?

Yes. Shadowing, supervision, and the Gathering of (5) Guides are in-person projects where I offer direct, in-person guidance.

I’m in Asia/Australia. What can I do?

Though the window of opportunity to have calls is limited, it is possible and simply takes smart planning. We can do it!

I’m concerned about sending information via the application form. Are there alternative ways to apply?

Yes, please let me know and we’ll take it from there.

I’m most interested in collective experiences. Is that possible?

Yes. Group connection, co-learning and co-visibility is ideal! I take great care to initiate and curate group energy in an annual Gatherings of (5) Guides. Typically, I require for us to have a working relationship prior to having you join these events. This way, everyone attending knows that there is a connection that holds us.

In the Shadowing project, it is possible to have two practitioners involved at the same time.

Are there prices for couples and/or co-practitioners? If so, how does that work?

For couples who work together or for co-practitioners who can demonstrate clearly that they work together, the price is one + 50%.
