chad charles
inner travel agentA rich exchange: what is the price of a session?
550 is the minimum
750 is the average
850 is preferred
1000+ is contributing to something beyond yourself (see There‘s More below)
You are invited to offer what you can within and beyond the numbers above based on accessibility, appreciation, value.
Contact me if it’s difficult to offer the minimum. I am very open to co-creating payment plans.
Contributing more is to not only be a recipient of a sublimely-held mystical experience, it is to become a patron of magic and evolution on a larger scale.
♾️ There’s more ♾️
Below are current ways your patronage is employed
Positive Action
In each series of sessions in a particular area/city, I reserve one session to a sponsored person (by someone in that community) who would otherwise not be able to access this work. This amounts to upwards of twenty sessions per year.
Your patronage supports my ability to continue to offer these sessions gratis.
Since 2020, 30% of my new clients could be identified as BIPOC and 50% of new clients would be identified as female-bodied.
My vital energy is currently devoted to scaling up the healing and transformation that these sessions propel by guiding practitioners around the world to offer this work in a good way.
Similar to the way you experience it with me.
With love, certainly.
Yet with excellence and grace, furthermore.
Your patronage ensures that
Practitioner Guidance
remains accessible to other practitioners, new and established.