4 days in
create a retreat in your community
How to create a retreat in your area
There are certain requirements to be fulfilled for me to lead a retreat.
I see this as a process that you are catalysing.
You’re a catalyst!
The catalyst (you!) provides:
5 other people you know
Suitable site for the work (private location, dedicated temple/journey space)
Accommodation for chad and everyone else
arrangements for food preparation
travel arrangements for chad

Minimum registration must be met (deposit and prep calls complete for all 5 people + you!) 1 full month in advance of proposed arrival.
-deposit received (50% of total fee; total fee is $6000)
– mandatory intake protocol for each prospective participant
– mandatory attendance in group call (one before and one after) for all confirmed participants

Creating a retreat in your area allows you to share this experience in your community and network.
chad provides:
Information and automated registration via password-protected web page. Here is an example of how the page would look like. The password is “Self”
undivided attention and presence for all agreed-upon engagements (pre- retreat calls, entire time at the retreat, post-retreat calls)

chad reserves the right to refuse a participant for reasons up to his exclusive discretion.
From the time we initiate this agreement to the date of the prospective series, 3-6 months is a typical timeline.
A typical scenario is Friday evening arrival, full day of individua work on Saturday, full day of iindividual work on Sunday, morning integration on Monday prior to early afternoon departure.
If minimum amount of participants is not confirmed one full month before date of arrival, chad will cancel.
If you as the catalyst/host cancel within one full month of date of arrival, chad will keep the deposit.